Greening your living spaces


Since moving in with my partner of adventures, we have begun to decorate our living-kitchen room with multiple greenies. And I thought it would be nice to share some of the things we've done/bought/invented/thrifted.

We began by buying a bouquet of flowers (a 6-10€ bouquet) in the flower shop we have a couple of streets away from our flat. Some gorgeous ones. They brought color to our place and became an absolute obsession.

One day we even went to the countryside and picked up some plants. We made a little bouquet that eventually dried, and now we have a tiny vase with colorful flowers forever. It is gorgeous.

Finally, after feeling the need to add -even more- color, we decided to take a step forward and buy a plant. This morning, at the local flower market, we bought an ivy and now we are looking for a vase to fit it in. Once we have it, I will also take a pic and show it to you!

Talking about vases, we found out the best place to get them is in the local thrift stores. Here in the Netherlands, the most convenient for us has been Rataplan, where we've found beautiful vases for less than two euros, so I would definitely recommend checking your local second hand shops!


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